Dixon Smart School House | What We Do | Dixon Smart School House
Dixon Smart School House Provides Facility Needs Assessments, Master Planning, And Program Management For School Districts.
Dixon Smart School House, DSSH, Facility Needs Assessments, Master Planning, Program Management
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What We Do

A Trusted Partner.

Through our expertise in facility needs assessments, master planning and program management, we can collaborate with school districts from the earliest stages of a project to meet their goals for quality, cost and timely delivery.

We have delivered projects that give a space and place for students to truly learn & innovate in their classrooms and common areas. We define quality as not only building for today, we are building for tomorrow.

Maintenance & Operations

Taking the burden off of your M&O department through deferred maintenance plans & facilities needs assessments.

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Facilities & Construction

Experts in bond program management, facility master plans, procurement strategies and capacity or enrollment studies.

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Business Services

Assisting districts in obtaining and leveraging local and state funds while maintaining the upmost fiscal responsibility.

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Our Expertise

DIXON Smart School House is a leading school facility firm with a human-centered approach, a deep technical experience and a reputation for great service to our clients, our people and our communities.

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Maintenance & Operations

Taking the burden off of your M&O department through deferred maintenance plans & facilities needs assessments.

Facilities & Construction

Experts in bond program management, facility master plans, procurement strategies and capacity or enrollment studies.

Business Services

Assisting districts in obtaining and leveraging local and state funds while maintaining the upmost fiscal responsibility.